The Joys of the Holidays

December 17, 2008 at 7:55 pm (Fun Stuff, Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

I’d been cruising along up until the other day… I’d forgotten just why we work so hard through the year and look forawrd to December and Christmas,  it dawned on me the other afternoon.

I had my tree up and decorated the 1st, WE had so much fun doing it, despite having to kick Spook out from under the tree a few times…  Its hard to decorate a tree when you have this little clawed hand coming out from under it to grab at you, or you end up stepping on a tail n getting mrowed at!

I’ve made a couple batches of cookies, my grea grandmother’s sugar and Spice gookies to be exact. Soo yummy n full of family memories, though I still can’tget then to turn out just like hers or gram’s for some reason. But thats part of the JOY of doing things with memories attached to them, isn’t it?!

I’ve learned a new craft and made something for the kids, WARM and fuzzy is always a great thing to give to the family.

But it all felt like something was missing, the tree, the cookies, the cooking, the presents, they’re all there but its plain, nothing stands out at special… Then it hit me, Christmas music. There was none, no Carol of the bells to direct with the spoon as your mixing cookies, no 12 Days of Christmas to sing along to nd mix up the ladies dancing with the maid a milking, no babies in mangers or even toes on rooftops. Its been quiet. Like a SILENT NIGHT.

I know a lot of people are struggling this year, and feel like their missing Christmas becuase there arent many gifts under the tree, but I think we all might just need a little music, a few CAROLS to lift our hearts. Like the Who’s on Christmas morning, gatherig together to sing their sing despite the fact that the Grinch had taken everything. All the trees, trimmings and logs for the fire, the roast beast and who pudding and left behind only crumbs too small for the who mouses… They still gathered together in the square and sang their little who hearts out.  Its not boxes and wrapping and things that make Christmas.. its the songs in our hearts and memories we make toghther that makes our holidays special.

So turn on that CD of  Country Christmas, or Thats What I Call Christmas #a million and one, or load up Limewire and download a million tracks of carols and tunes, or even dial in that funny station on the radio you never listen to but you know plays holiday music all December, and cry your eyes out at memories of Christmases past, make happy memories of this year to cry about next year, and go into the kitchen and make something together, or just dance like crazy to Rocking around the Christmas Tree… Just do it. Move to the SPIRIT in your heart.. this is what the kids remember about the holidays. not that 300$ iPod or the barbie they bugged you about all year.


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